Plant the Planet – Our Sustainable Strategy
For us it is of utmost importance to conduct business in a sustainable and responsible way. We want to help make sure our planet will offer a safe and healthy living environment for generations to come.
Our long-term achievements as a company are closely linked with sustainable standards and policies for activities such as sourcing, manufacturing, product development and travel. Plant the Planet – Our strategy for sustainability contains all the core values shared at BCC and is incorporated in our everyday work. By following these guidelines and having adopted a sustainable mindset throughout our staff, we make sure the products and services we offer provides for a better living environment all over our planet. We pride ourselves having delivered plant production facilities in all continents of the world producing in excess of 4 billion forest trees per year. Together we Plant the Planet!

We Assume Responsibility
As a world market leader in providing machinery for growing of new trees, we pride ourselves in minimising our carbon footprint in all ways possible. Circularity is a key factor in achieving these targets. BCC uses only high quality recycled plastic material in all growing containers. We minimise travel through video conferencing. Company owned vehicles are electrified and run on solar generated electricity from the company’s own solar panel system. We understand that it is only through a responsible way of acting now, that we can help change the future.
Safety First
Safety for our employees is key. Through a process ensuring continuous improved worker safety, we minimize the risk of work-related incidents and accidents. The personnel at BCC undergo refresher training in life saving measures, such as CPR and first aid. We have a vision of zero work related accidents.

BCC has a highly motivated and committed staff with extensive experience and adequate educational background in different areas. This ensures a market leading role in our sector and helps provide our customers with tailor made state of the art solutions for sustainable plant production. Educational programs, partnerships with universities, organisations and a close dialogue with our customers ensure a continuous learning process within the organisation. BCC provides a highly motivational work environment, where the customer’s needs are always on our main focus.
Responsible Sourcing
Our supply chain is carefully monitored, and all suppliers have to go through a thorough qualification process to make sure the prerequisites set forward by BCC are met. This helps making sure our suppliers have efficient, safe and sustainable methods of manufacturing and providing services, making them an important asset for us and providing their workers with a safe work environment.
Code of Conduct
The BCC Code of Conduct acts as a leading star for everyone at BCC. It provides guidelines for how we interact both externally and within the company. This together with a strong culture within the company ensures reaching our highly set goals for social, environmental and quality standards.
We are a part of the responsible forestry!
FSC™ are a global not-for-profit organization and says on their hompage thay they “sets the standards for what is a responsibly managed forest, both environmentally and socially”. BCC Plant the Planet are proud to be a part of this!