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The result of our long experience within the industry of growing systems is an extensive product portfolio of growing containers, each one with special features and characteristics. The BCC collection includes multi-cell growing trays, both fixed and single cell systems, round and square cells, solid wall with ribs, side slit and the Air Cell /AirBlock systems with Active Root Guiding.

Growing systems

LxWxH (mm): 352x216x85
No. cells: 128
Cells/m2: 1684
Volume/cell (cc) 25

Item Code: 21-22220

HIKO V-50 SideSlit

LxWxH (mm): 352x216x87
No. cells: 67
Cells/m2: 881
Volume/cell (cc) 50

Item Code: 21-22217

HIKO V-90 AirBlock

LxWxH (mm): 352x216x92
No. cells: 40
Cells/m2: 526
Volume/cell (cc) 90

Item code: 21-21225

HIKO V-90SideSlit
HIKO V-90 SideSlit

LxWxH (mm): 352x216x87
No. cells: 40
Cells/m2: 520
Volume/cell (cc) 90

Item code: 21-22991


LxWxH (mm): 352x216x87
No. cells: 40
Cells/m2: 526
Volume/cell (cc) 93

Item code: 21-21107

HIKO V-120 SideSlit

LxWxH (mm): 352x216x110
No. cells: 40
Cells/m2: 526
Volume/cell (cc) 120

Item code: 21-22535

HIKO V-150

LxWxH (mm): 352x216x100
No. cells: 24
Cells/m2: 316
Volume/cell (cc) 150

Item code: 21-22135

HIKO V-250

LxWxH (mm): 352x216x160
No. cells: 18
Cells/m2: 243
Volume/cell (cc) 250

Item code: 21-22320

HIKO V-265

LxWxH (mm): 352x216x150
No. cells: 28
Cells/m2: 368
Volume/cell (cc) 265

Item code: 21-22566

HIKO V-350

LxWxH (mm): 352x216x125
No. cells: 15
Cells/m2: 198
Volume/cell (cc) 350

Item code: 21-22155

HIKO V-400

LxWxH (mm): 352x216x150
No. cells: 15
Cells/m2: 198
Volume/cell (cc) 400

Item code: 21-22165

HIKO V-1400
HIKO V-1400

LxWxH (mm): 352x216x200
No. cells: 6
Cells/m2: 78
Volume/cell (cc) 1378

Item code: 21-22335

Growing container
AirBlock 32

LxWxH (mm): 385x214x90
No. cells: 32
Cells/m2: 388
Volume/cell (cc) 115

Item code: 21-22950

AirBlock 45
AirBlock 45

LxWxH (mm): 385x214x74
No. cells: 45
Cells/m2: 546
Volume/cell (cc) 90

Item code: 21-22633

AirBlock 100

LxWxH (mm): 385x385x90
No. cells: 100
Cells/m2: 675
Volume/cell (cc) 81

Item code: 21-22960

AirBlock 121

LxWxH mm:385x385x90
No. cells: 121
Cells/m2: 816pcs
Cell volume cc: 54

Item code: 6009155

AirBlock 196

LxWxH mm: 385x385x78
No. cells: 196
Volume/cell (cc) 30

Item code: 21-22637

BCC SideSlit 64

LxWxH (mm): 385x385x100
No. cellls: 64
Cells/m2: 432
Volume/cell (cc) 120

Item code: 21-22417

BCC SideSlit 81

LxWxH (mm): 385x385x85
No. cells: 81
Cell/m2: 546
Volume/cell (cc) 100

Item code: 21-22427

Plantek 35F

LxWxH mm: 400x300x130
No. cells: 35
Cells/m2: 291
Volume/cell (cc) 275

Item code: 6009200

Plantek 36F

LxWxH mm: 385x385x90
No. cells: 36
Cells/m2: 240
Volume/cell (cc) 230

Item code: 6009260

Plantek 64F

LxWxH mm: 385x385x73
No. cells: 64
Cells/m2: 434
Volume/cell (cc) 115

Item code: 6009170

Plantek 64FD

LxWxH mm: 385x385x110
No. cells: 64
Cells/m2: 434
Volume/cell (cc) 128

Item code: 6009430

Plantek 81F

LxWxH mm: 385x385x73
No.cells: 81
Cells/m2: 549
Volume/cell (cc) 85

Item code: 6009160

Plantek 81FO

LxWxH mm: 385x385x73
No. cells: 81
Cells/m2: 549
Volume/cell (cc) 85

Item code: 6009450

Plantek 81FX

LxWxH (mm): 385x385x85
No. cells: 81
Cells/m2: 549
Volume/cell (cc) 100

Item code: 6009455

Plantek 121F

LxWxH (mm): 385x385x73
No. cells: 121
Cells/m2: 820
Volume/cell (cc) 50

Item code: 6009150

Plantek 576T
Plantek 576T

LxWxH (mm): 385x385x32
No. cells: 576
Cells/m2: 3886
Volume/cell (cc) 4,3

Item code: 6009460


BCC 104

LxWxH (mm): 635x385x101
No. cells: 104
Cells/m2: 425
Volume/cell (cc) 77

Item code: 21-22700


BCC 411B SideSlit

LxWxH (mm): 350x600x110
No. cells: 144
Cells/m2: 686
Volume/cell (cc) 80

Item code: 21-22955

BCC 411B SolidCell

LxWxH (mm): 350x600x110
No. cells: 144
Cells/m2: 686
Volume/cell (cc) 80

Item code: 21-22957

BCC 412 Solid Cell
BCC 412A SolidCell

LxWxH (mm): 350x600x115
No. cells: 77
Cells/m2: 367
Volume/cell (cc) 125
Stacking height (mm): 40

Item code: 21-22958

BCC 412 SideSlit
BCC 412A SideSlit

LxWxH (mm): 350x600x115
No. cells: 77
Cells/m2: 367
Volume/cell (cc) 125

Item code: 21-22959

BCC 84 Long Life
BCC 84 Long Life

LxWxH (mm): 590x262x44
No. cavaties: 84
Cells/m2: 543
FiberCell height (mm): 40-55
Stacking height (mm): 15
Volume/cell (cc): 30

Item code: 21-22996

FlexiFrame 77 Low Model

LxWxH (mm): 367x375x120
No. cells: 77
Cells/m2: 362
Frame for AirCell 105

Item code: 21-22752

AirCell 105

Volume/cell (cc) 105
Depth: 100
SideSlits/Active root guiding

Item code:21-22756


FlexiFrame 77 High Model

LxWxH (mm): 567x375x170
No. cells: 77
Cells/m2: 362
Frame for SideSlit & Solid cell 150

Item code: 21-22751

SideSlit Cell 150

Volume/cell (cc) 150
Depth: 150

Item code: 21-22755

Solid Cell 150

Volume/cell (cc) 150
Depth: 150
Root guiding ribs

Item code: 21-22753

InsertFrame 96

LxWxH (mm): 517x350x110
No. cells: 96
Cells/m2: 530
Frame for AirCell65, SolidCell75, XL- cell 85

Item code: 21-22721

InsertFrame 128

LxWxH (mm): 676x350x108
No. cells: 128
Cells/m2: 541
Frame for AirCell 65, SolidCell 75, XL-cell 85

Item code: 21-22723

AirCell 65
AirCell 65

Volume/cell (cc) 65
Depth: 100
Active root guiding

Item code: 21-22727


Solid Cell 75

Volume/cell (cc) 75
Depth: 100
Root guiding ribs

Item code: 21-22732

XL Cell 85

Volume/cell (cc) 85
Depth: 105
Active root guiding ribs

Item code: 21-22760

FiberCell Holder 45
FiberCell 45 Holder

LxWxH (mm): 555x316x73
No. cells: 45
Cells/m2: 257
Fibercell Ø mm: 54-60

Item code: 21-22992

BCC FiberCell Holder 54
FiberCell 54 Holder

LxWxH (mm): 575x402x75
No. of cavaties: 54
Cells/m2: 234
FiberCell height (mm): 65-80
Stacking height (mm): 32
Fibercell Ø (mm): 54-60mm

Item code: 21-22994

BCC FiberCell-Holder-8840
FiberCell Holder 88/40

LxWxH (mm): 570x415x105
No. cavaties: 88
Cells/m2: 372
Cell height: 95
Fibercell Ø (mm): 40
Stacking height (mm): 57,5
Root guiding ribs

Item code: 21-22953

FiberCell 96 holder

LxWxH (mm): 517x350x90
No. cells: 96
Cells/m2: 530
Frame for FiberCells

Item code: 21-22912

FiberCell 126 holder R (Reinforced)

LxWxH (mm): 580x375x78
No. cells: 126
Cells/m2: 580
Frame for FiberCells

Item code: 21-22993

FiberCell 30 Insert

Dimensions: 100mm (L), holds 30mm ø FiberCell
Holder: FiberCell insert for BCC IF-128

Item code: 21-22761

FiberCell Insert 30U

Dimensions: 100mm (L), holds 30mm ø FiberCell
Holder: FiberCell insert for Unigro128 tray

Item code: 21-22762

FiberCell Insert 35U

Dimensions: 100mm (L), holds 35mm ø FiberCell
Holder: FiberCell insert for Unigro98 tray

Item code: 21-22763

FiberCell Insert 35U-55
FCI 35U-55

Dimensions: 55mm (L), holds 35mm ø FiberCell
Holder: FiberCell insert for Unigro98 tray

Item code: 21-22764