May 2017, Mekong Timber Plantations started the planning to rebuild the old Songhong nursery They asked BCC to help plan a new facility.
At that stage there was basically nothing left of the old nursery. The old greenhouses were replaced by a sawmill, so at least we had a concrete floor to start with. Except for a few run-down tables and shade areas, it was an overgrown site.
By February 2018 the first cutting production started and by early 2019 the nursery was expanded to full capacity.
Today the nursery produces 95% from cuttings and has a capacity to supply more than 2million plants annually for the planting programme of the company.
The nursery manager, Kombai, achieves great results with overall recovery rates in the 90% and top quality plants supplied to the field.
The nursery uses the AirCell growing system which BCC developed back in the mid 90’s, which still proves to be a great propagation system!