Mezvidi Nursery, Latvia
Joint Stock Company “Latvia’s State Forests” started the development of their new nursery Mezvidi in the central east part of Latvia. The nursery will produce containerized seedlings of Scots pine and Norway spruce. First sowing in the five newly built greenhouses was done during April – May 2021.
Mezvidi nursery will produce up to 15 million seedlings by 2024 when full capacity is reached. This is the fourth large nursery owned by JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” based on top efficient and competitive growing technologies.
The main construction works including greenhouses and holding areas was done by local companies. At the same time growing trays, the filling and seeding line, greenhouse and holding irrigation booms were manufactured and supplied by BCC AB. Contracts for equipment supply was awarded to BCC AB through open international tenders.
Today total growing capacity of nurseries owned by JSC “Latvia’s State Forests” is about 55 million plants annually for forest establishment. With the new Mezvidi nursery total capacity will increase to 68 to 70 million plants annually.
Drone pictures: Aivars Saulajs
Other pictures: Armands Jakovels